Just some reminders if you received the newsletter, and general info for those who do not subscribe.

Dr. Larrow has a big announcement to make this month so make sure to read September's newsletter here.

Also in this months newsletter, in addition to other items, is the out-of-office schedule for the coming weekend of the 24th through the 28th. Dr. Larrow will be in and out of office during this time so communication may be limited. If you have any questions, or needs, please send them anyhow as we'll try to respond as soon as we can, but know that there may be a delay of  more than one day.

As usual, if you are having a life threatening emergency then please contact the appropriate first responders, or, if able, please go to the nearest urgent care facility.

Thank you, and please have a good rest of the week.

P.S. And please don't forget to subscribe to Dr. Larrow's newsletter as it is our preferred method of giving out information such as these items. Just scroll down to the bottom of any page on this site, and you'll see the subscribe form. Again, thanks.

Image Credit: Vask (Wikipedia) (CC 3.0)