There are many great, and varied, uses for an herbal liquid tincture. Read on for more information.

One of my favorite modalities to use within Naturopathic Medicine is botanical medicine. In medical school, at first, I had a really hard time understanding and learning the herbs because they taught them to us in a strange fashion; at least to me. They would also have us taste the herbs as we were learning them. I did, of course, eventually memorize them, what their active constituents are, when they are contraindicated, and how toxic they are. But it was not until I began using them day-to-day in practice that I then truly feel in love with them.   

There are so many things you can do with herbs. Hot flashes/night sweats, lowering blood pressure, balancing a low or high thyroid, and even helping people to sleep is just a few of their uses. These powerful, and “magical,” herbs know exactly what to do, and how to do it. Their use has merit with just about every single patient.

Within a tincture, I can put many different herbs together to support the entire patient’s needs. For example, when I am formulating a tincture for female hormone balance not only is the tincture going to have sex hormone balancing herbs, but also herbs to support the liver, and nervines (calming herbs; if indicated) as well as some adrenal loving. The tincture might also have herbs for balancing blood sugar, sleep, or anything else affecting the patient. In fact, these powerful herbs have become necessary in my practice when it comes to balancing sex hormones, and especially as women are transitioning through menopause. However, they’re also useful in helping underactive thyroids, and patients with PMS. 

The one thing I don’t really like about herbs is their taste. For some of my patients the liquid tinctures are not doable as the taste is too strong. Other patients don’t mind the taste. To me they have an earthy taste that is often overpowering at times. 

Through clinical practice, herbs have come alive to me. One of the greatest things about herbs is how they synergize with each other; meaning I don't often use singlet herbs as it is in combining herbs that I get the best outcomes. For example, each of the herbs has its own personality. Some are male herbs while others are, most definitely, female in their personality. Some herbs are stimulating, some are calming, and some play nice with others, but there are a few, still, that are best done alone. The more I practice the more I fall in love with herbs as a treatment option for my patients.

Image Credit: Hans Hillewaert (Wikipedia) (CC 3.0 Unported)